learning styles

Teaching Music Using VARK Learning Preferences

Each person's learning style is unique. Music teachers can teach more effectively with a basic understanding of VARK learning preferences and teaching strategies.

Music Group Class Round 1 Reflections

Well, students and teachers of Musespeak Studio and To the Wind Studio have survived the first round of music group classes with this new format. I learned three main lessons

A New School Year to Try out New Ideas in the Music Studio

After having my students take the VARK Learning Preferences questionnaire last year, I discovered that my students fall under three general categories:

  1. Visual (mostly in combination, Visual-Aural or Visual-Kinesthetic)

  2. Aural-Kinesthetic

  3. Read/Write

Learning Style Modalities & Music

At this year's CASSA Piano Pedagogy Workshop, there was a session on learning style modalities. I was quite excited about this session as it is an area I've been curious about ever since my science fair days in junior high. What I particularly enjoyed was that the presenter, Victoria Chow, B. Mus. Westminster Choir College at Rider University, spoke specifically about teaching tools and strategies to use when teaching. She spoke about three out of the four VARK modalities: