
Popular Hand Exercises Books for Piano

If you or your piano teacher have decided that you add finger strengthening exercises into your at-home practice sessions, check out these popular books of finger exercises. Please note, this list is just for piano. I'll eventually get around to posting popular exercise books for the other instruments.

Time Saving Technique Practice Idea

Are you stuck between studying for tests and logging in much needed time on practicing technique? Try this idea that came up during one of my lessons last week.

Why We Should Practice Scales, Chords and Arpeggios

A few of my students detest their technical exercises. In fact, I have a few students who really need to pull up their socks in this area if they're going to pass their piano exam next month. I hated them too. With a passion. That hatred was reflected in my poor technical skills mark on piano exams.

Since then, I've learned to like them.