Last month, I was mulling over different areas that I want to focus on in lessons for the remainder of the school year. I concluded: practice consistency, practice efficiency, technical skills, ear, rhythm and sight reading, and finally - theory and keyboard harmony.
The thing is, how to make what students normally find “boring” fun? The answer, turn it into a game! Bingo, to be precise.
Feburary’s praactice challenge focused on practice consistency. Some of the challenges were pretty easy (“Logged into My Music Staff student portal”), while others were harder (:"Practiced for 60 minutes without distractions””.
Homemade cake pops were on the line. They were a huge hit. So much so that they are now items in Maestro’s Market that students can “order”.
Flexing with Cake pops.
This month, they are working on practice efficiency. Some of the practice drills they are working through are part of Maestro’s Music Tricks, the game-ified practice aid I developed in conjunction with my students a few years ago.
Check out the Practice Bingo cards, along with Maestro’s Music Tricks in the Studio’s Ko-Fi Shop. Check the store at the beginning of each month from now till June for a new Practice Bingo card.