Exploring Passive Stretching for Dogs

Before Christmas, Maestro's team at Canine Aquafitness & Veterinary Rehab Centre introduced Maestro and I to passive stretching for dogs to increase Maestro's range of motion. After three weeks, several people have commented on how Maestro is moving more quickly (especially when treats are involved). As Maestro has canine arthritis and Inter-vertebral Disc Disease, passive stretching is necessary so as to not aggravate his achy joints. The main thing about any passive range of motion technique is to support the joint as you are stretching a muscle group.

First, we learned neck stretches. Here is a video of Maestro's first day:

After Christmas, we learned passive stretches for his legs and hips. For this area, it's best for you to watch this video by Dr. Ruth Roberts:

For more information on passive range of motion techniques to help with pet injuries or degenerative diseases in dogs, check out these resources:

Check out my affiliate links of books available on passive stretching:

We'll post another video soon to show Maestro's progress with these passive dog stretches.