You may be thinking, "Summertime practicing? But summer vacation has just started." True enough, and we music teachers hope to enjoy the summer break just as much as our students.
All we ask is that you don't forget about your musical instrument. After all, you've spend the entire school year studying and practicing - most of you on your parents' dime. You don't want to forget everything you've learned.
I've noticed that if you don't practice music for two months, it takes at least two months to get back to where you left off. One year, I was away on a work-term and didn't have ready access to a piano for six months. That was my first year working towards my ARCT Diploma. It took between six to eight months to get back into shape!
The following articles have some good ideas on how to set up summer practicing goals and a music practice plan for the summer:
Summer practice plan, with the goal of 50 times
There is a Cure for Summertime Blues...Play Music!
Bigfoot, Ogopogo and Summer Piano Practicing has good ideas for music students and teachers. Finally, A Guide to Great Home Music Practice has some good general tips.